
My little corner of the world wide web where I share my experiences, commentary, and reflections.

Photo: Painting art
Personal Growth

Selling You(r Stuff)

Do you ever feel uncomfortable asking people to buy your book or product or service? I’ve had this experience many times, first with my music

Photo: Oprah
Cat Say What!?

Say What Oprah!?

As I get ready to shut down the office for the last two weeks of summer, I am gathering stacks of I-can’t-wait-to-read books and magazines.

Photo: Money
Cat Say What!?

Say What? Billionaire.

Like many people, my primary communication platform in the business world is LinkedIn. Given that one of my mantras is connect, create and communicate, I

Photo: Simon Sinek
Cat Say What!?

Everyone’s Crush on Simon Sinek

Everyone seems to have a massive crush on Simon Sinek. I like some of his stuff, too! His “Start with Why” model is terrific. In